Made of exceptional hand crafted quality, hardened ceramic, these types of dental veneers really are the trusted solution for everyone. Porcelain veneers have been used for decades, the older forms were originally much thicker and often used as a form of teeth whitening. Nowadays, they still act as a form of teeth whitening for people whose stained teeth do not react well to actual teeth whitening procedures. The process involves placing an ultra thin layer of porcelain to your teeth to reinstate their natural, white look. The procedure often helps in giving strength to your teeth and can mirror natural tooth enamel. Due to fantastic advances in cosmetic dentistry, the shaping, sculpting and colour treatments available for porcelain have improved to the so they can be as natural or as artificial as you request.
Lasting between 10-15 years, porcelain is extremely strong, they only require the same maintenance as you would with your natural teeth. Veneers do not stain and remain the same colour throughout their life.
Porcelain veneers in London usually require some form of preparation of the natural tooth to allow for a precise fit and perfect appearance meaning that the process is irreversible. However, with their exceptional durability and perfect appearance, the team at Harley Street Smile Clinic believe that porcelain offers the best results every time.
If you are considering veneers, call Harley Street Smile Clinic today. You can call us on 020 7971 1909 Click to Call for a free consultation, or e-mail us at [email protected]. One of our dental experts will be happy to help you.
Looking for more information about dental veneers read our Complete Guide to Dental Veneers.