Narrow Smile

See Our Before & Afters

Widening the Narrow Smile with Porcelain VeneersNarrow Smiles Correction using veneersNarrow Smiles Correction using veneersNarrow Smiles Correction using veneersNarrow Smiles Correction using veneersWidening the Narrow Smile with Porcelain VeneersNarrow Smiles Correction using veneersVeneers for narrow smiles londonWidening the Narrow Smile with Porcelain Veneers

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is my smile narrow?

    Due to missing teeth or a narrow jawbone, a smile can often appear narrow naturally. This can cause the widest part of your smile to darken. This is referred to as a “narrow buccal corridor”.

    A narrow smile can also be inherited, which means you may have been born with narrow dental arches. However, a narrow smile is most likely caused through habitual activities during development, which includes bottle feeding, thumb-sucking, inadequate tongue position or even improper swallowing. All these components can prevent arch development, which ultimately creates a narrow and darker-looking smile.

    How to fix a narrow smile?

    Your narrow smile can be corrected easily with various treatments, that will enable your teeth to be distributed evenly within the mouth – creating a wider, friendlier looking smile. One treatment for widening a narrow smile includes having a brace fitted, to gently widen the teeth. This can be enhanced further using whitening after the braces are removed.

    However, the most effective and recommended treatment for improving a narrow smile is by using porcelain veneers – which are guaranteed to brighten and whiten your smile. Here at Harley Street Smile Clinic, our professional dentists can help you achieve a wider smile in accordance with your personal preferences on shape, size and colour.

    How can veneers correct a narrow smile?

    Veneers are made up of natural-looking porcelain, which makes them the perfect application for improving a narrow smile.

    At Harley Street Smile Clinic, your dentist may re-shape and remove a necessary amount of enamel from your teeth in preparation for your veneers. In some cases, they may decide that you are eligible for non-prep veneers, which means no tooth contouring or removal needs to take place. Once the preparation method is decided, your dentist will then take impressions from your teeth and construct a mould to accommodate a wider smile.

    Your dentist will then schedule your veneer fitting appointment, which will involve checking you are happy with the final result, and then implementing the veneers with cement when you are fully satisfied. Once fitted, you will find that your smile shows more than six teeth, giving you an overall brighter, wider and whiter smile.

    Get in Touch

    If you are unhappy with your narrow smile, then our highly-skilled dentists can provide you with a wider and brighter smile using our premium porcelain veneers. Book your free E-consultation today or for further information on our cosmetic dentistry services, you can call us on 020 7971 1909 to discuss your smile options. Your gleaming smile will be easier to show off in no time!

    Our Blogs

    Can veneers stain? - Harley Street Smile Clinic Can veneers stain?

    Can veneers stain?

    Done right, veneers can look great. But we know what your next question is – how long will they stay that way? Here at the Harley Street Smile Clinic, we understand your concerns. Veneers are a costly investment, so it’s only natural you want to know what to expect and exactly what you’ll get for …

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    How many veneers do I need? Harley Street Smile Clinic How many veneers do I need?

    How many veneers do I need?

    Wondering what the magic number is when it comes to veneers? What the exact rule is about how many you should have – or if there even is a rule? Then let us help. Here at the Smile Clinic, ‘How many veneers do I need?’ is a question we get asked all the time. And …

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    Are veneers permanent? - Harley Street Smile Clinic Are veneers permanent?

    Are veneers permanent?

    Ask someone what their biggest fear is about getting a cosmetic procedure and up there with botched jobs, disappointing results and experiencing pain, is the worry about being stuck with the results – like them or not – forever.   The finality of any cosmetic procedure is one of the biggest factors putting people off …

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    What is classed as a clinical need for veneers?

    What is classed as a clinical need for veneers?

    So you want veneers? We don’t blame you. They look great. But do you really need them? This is the big question, dictating whether you can receive veneers on the NHS or need to fund the treatment yourself.  Want to be clear on what’s classed as a clinical need for veneers and what’s not? Then …

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    The difference between a mini and a full smile makeover

    Unhappy with your smile? You’re not alone. One in four people in the UK say they hate their smile and want to change it in one way or another. Let’s face it, wonky, yellowing and gappy smiles don’t do much for our confidence, and over 90% of people agree that having a nice smile would …

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    Can Invisalign widen a smile? – with before and afters

    When you think of the perfect smile, how does it look? We’ll guess the teeth are a flawless white, perfectly straight and the smile is wide. Are we right? That’s because the size of our smile is often how we indicate our level of pleasure and enjoyment. It’s a sign of how happy we are …

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