Worn Chipped Teeth

Frequently Asked Questions

Can veneers be used to cover severely chipped teeth?

Chipped teeth can range widely in terms of severity, from a small crack through to a substantial amount of tooth loss, which can affect the viability of treatment.

In most cases, using veneers for chipped teeth is hugely successful and the best procedure to use. Having said that, there are limitations, and if your chipped tooth is extremely severe it may not be the most appropriate choice.

At the Smile Clinic, we are committed to providing the highest level of patient care and will always be 100% open and transparent about the treatment options available to you and our recommendations to achieve the best results for your smile, so why not start with a free e-consultation?

Can I change my mind about using veneers for chipped teeth?

The type of veneers used affects whether or not they are considered permanent.

Whilst only minimal, traditional porcelain veneers require a small amount of enamel to be removed before they are fitted, so they are classed as permanent.

Other options – such as no prep-veneers – are not permanent.

Either way, there’s still an element of flexibility should you have a change of heart. And if you decided you wanted to go whiter with your porcelain veneers, this is completely possible – you just couldn’t revert back to the natural tooth.

Thanks to our vast experience and expertise, we’re confident we can help you to make the right choice for successful and long-lasting veneer treatment.

How much do veneers for chipped teeth cost?

We charge for veneers per tooth – please see our fees page for current prices – which means the exact cost of your treatment will be based on how many veneers are needed to cover over the damaged tooth or teeth.

Why not get in touch for a personalised quote? Send in a close-up picture of your smile, and we’ll get back to you with details on the number of veneers we recommend for the most effective and natural looking treatment to cover over your dental damage.

Why choose the Smile Clinic for treatment for your chipped teeth?

Simple – because we’re leaders in our field.

With more than 30 years of experience under our belt and an unwavering commitment to using only the most cutting-edge technology and techniques, you can rest assured that by trusting us to fit your veneers you’re investing in the very best care.

If you’d like to find out more about how we use veneers for chipped teeth, and how this treatment could be the ideal solution for your smile woes, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team of friendly experts are always on hand and happy to answer any questions you may have.

See Our Before & Afters

Veneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers Worn Chipped TeethVeneers for Worn Chipped Teeth LondonVeneers for Worn Chipped Teeth LondonVeneers for Worn Chipped Teeth LondonTreatment Solutions For Short or Worn TeethPorcelain Veneers a solution for worn teeth

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