Teeth Reshaping (Enameloplasty)
Are you unhappy with the shape of your teeth? Then it’s time to do something about it – and this treatment is amazing! Simple, yet oh so effective, enameloplasty – gentle tooth contouring – has the power to transform your smile.
Completely pain-free, this is one of our most conservative of cosmetic dental treatments, yet it offers truly compelling results.
To find out more and see just how great you could look with teeth reshaping, access your free e-consultation now.
Through years of experience, our dentists can quickly identify how a little tooth filing, if performed in the right area, can revolutionise your smile – and your confidence! So why not get in touch?
Although extremely straightforward, clients are often astounded by the results of our tooth contouring procedure. Minimal treatment and expense, maximum results! Just take a look at the before and after images below to see the possibilities for yourself.
What exactly is tooth contouring?
Enameloplasty is a treatment more commonly referred to as teeth contouring or tooth reshaping.
It involves making careful adjustments to teeth by gently filing them to create more harmonious sizes, shapes, and levels, to help balance out and enhance a smile.
The procedure is carried out by a skilled cosmetic dentist and is an effective way of transforming your smile. Although talk of removing tooth enamel may sound a little alarming, this is an entirely safe and pain-free procedure.
The filing is done little by little, ensuring that no more enamel than is strictly necessary is removed. And it only takes a small amount of sculpting to completely change a smile’s overall appearance.
It’s common for the tips of teeth to be a little out of shape, or for one tooth to be a touch longer than another. By filing the tip slightly, it’s possible to level things out, improving the appearance of individual teeth, and in many cases, overhauling the whole smile.
And it’s not just the top teeth. Lower teeth are just as susceptible to being crooked but a small amount of filing along the biting edge is all that’s required to create the illusion of a much straighter and more aesthetically appealing smile.
Tooth contouring and other dental cosmetic treatments
Whilst dental contouring is often used as a standalone procedure, is also commonly applied when the upper teeth have been veneered. Just a small amount of shaping can deliver vast improvements to the appearance of lower teeth, helping to avoid the need, or expense, of having further veneers fitted.
If you have had braces to straighten your teeth, once orthodontics treatment is complete, tooth contouring can also be used to further enhance the end result, making the tips of the teeth look more perfect in shape.