Lockdown. It’s been a strange old time hasn’t it? Stuck indoors, reliant on technology to keep us in touch with the world outside. Families and businesses alike have needed to rethink how they do things, and the innovation and creative thinking shown has been quite remarkable. But, as video conferencing and chats become our ‘new normal’, hands up if you’ve become more than a little bit self-conscious about your on-screen image?
You’re not on your own! Never before have we come face-to-face with the reality of our appearance on such a regular basis. Here are just some of the ways video calls are now booming:
The new boardroom – gone are the days of desperately trying to co-ordinate diaries to crowd everyone into a meeting room. Businesses have adapted brilliantly to working from home, using video calls to stay in contact with staff and keep things moving. The success has led many companies to question why they’ve previously waited weeks to hold important discussions to ensure everyone could attend. Now, with video conferencing, you can be anywhere – on the train, at home, even on the other side of the world, and still make it to your meeting.
Keeping in touch with loved ones – families are hosting dinner parties and catchups from the comfort of their own homes. The positive to come out of these distressing times of not being able to meet up with loved ones, is that many of us have now realised just how easy it is to still feel connected even when we’re apart. How many people are lucky enough to live close to their family? Video has made the logistics of ‘meeting up’ much simpler. No longer a military operation with everything but the kitchen sink crammed into the car for the weekend – the new reality is that we can simply switch on the iPad and spend time in each other’s company.
Staying in is the new going out – social lives are going digital too with friends holding weekly pub quizzes and cocktail parties online. Yes, bars and restaurants are starting to re-open their doors, but people remain cautious and look set to continue with the convenience of video hookups. Even dating has gone virtual with a huge rise in first dates now taking place online – one experience that will really make you conscious about your smile!
Ok, so lockdown is easing – thank goodness – but it’s going to be a long time before things get back to anything like they used to be. Your headshot has never been such a focal point – and it is likely to remain so for some time to come. With businesses talking about the advantages of homeworking, who know if things will ever go back to the previous status quo, meaning that investing in your smile will be money well spent.
So, whether it’s for a job interview, a first date, or just a well-deserved pick-me-up post lockdown, spending money on perfecting your smile is always a great idea. Here at The Harley Street Smile Clinic, we specialise in cosmetic dentistry, offering smile makeovers, veneers and tooth reshaping. Safety is always a top priority for us, and we are delighted to be back open for business with all the necessary measures in place to protect the health of both our patients and staff. So why not take a look at the range of procedures we offer or request a free estimate with our e-consultation, and let us help you to make your dream smile a reality?